Sunday, 29 August 2010

My Little Ramazan - Day Nineteen

Sun 29th August 2010

Day Nineteen of Ramazan! Does that sound like a substantially good effort to you? It felt good when I was in double figures but it feels even better now I’m closing in on twenty. I mean, twenty means I’m in the last third of the challenge. The last third before I claim back my precious food and drink related rituals. Only another twelve days of incessant napping and embarrassing growling tummy noises. Now I’m not one to wish my life away but please, for the love of God, please can it be arranged to make the next twelve days ultra-short, ultra-busy and ultra-interesting?

It might help if I actually left the house, which I have not done today other than to put the wheelie bin out. And even then I found I needn’t have bothered because a kindly neighbour had done it for me. It’s Sunday though, so not leaving the house is entirely allowed. Or even actively encouraged by my book. And if one is not going to leave the house all day then it is further encouraged to stay in one’s grotty pyjamas. Baran, bless him was decked out in a fleecey little tracksuit number, but his Mummy was quite happy in the finest pink pyjamas money can buy (or the finest Tesco can offer anyway).

But there was one thing wrong with this picture of domestic respite. Can you guess it? Comfort food and, more importantly, comfort drinks. The Eastenders omnibus does not have quite the same appeal without tea and biscuits. Bathtime for Mummy and Baran should surely be followed by treats a plenty. But no. Nothing of the sort. Instead it was important to focus on the beauty of spending time with my gorgeous little boy and thus discovering excellent new games such as: roll up the play mat to make a giant trumpet shape neither of us can lift; and see how much wet washing you can pile on your head before it all falls off in a sopping big mess. Nice.

Did I say there was only one thing wrong with today? Well, I’ve thought of a second. The cold. Now I am lucky enough to live in a beautiful big, airy flat but that luck runs out as soon as the winter approaches because it is extremely difficult - and expensive - to heat. But come on people. It’s August 29th! Please tell me today is not the start of Winter. All day I have listened to the Highland wind whistling through the gaps in our badly fitted windows, and all day I have flitted about from room to room, trying to figure out which one is the warmest. What I wouldn’t have done for a mug of steaming coffee or maybe a hot chocolate. I have been practically salivating over the very thought of it all day, which has not, I might add, helped with my new pyjama-chic image.

I have a theory about this. I need more body fat. Before I began this challenge it was unevenly distributed around my tummy area, but now (although I have not lost any actual weight, much to my disappointment) it seems to have deserted all other body parts completely. My tummy is cosy and snug but the rest of me needs an extra layer. Now that is something I never thought I’d be requesting: more body fat. But these are strange times and strange revelations are most definitely afoot.

Switching on the heating helped too, I must admit. But surely that extra helping of dinner was justified tonight? And a bit of supper before bed can be no bad thing. It’s Day Nineteen, I think I’ve bloody well earned it.

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